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The pydantic_extra_types.coordinate module provides the Latitude, Longitude, and Coordinate data types.


Bases: float

Latitude value should be between -90 and 90, inclusive.

from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic_extra_types.coordinate import Latitude

class Location(BaseModel):
    latitude: Latitude

location = Location(latitude=41.40338)
#> latitude=41.40338


Bases: float

Longitude value should be between -180 and 180, inclusive.

from pydantic import BaseModel

from pydantic_extra_types.coordinate import Longitude

class Location(BaseModel):
    longitude: Longitude

location = Location(longitude=2.17403)
#> longitude=2.17403

Coordinate dataclass

Bases: Representation

Coordinate parses Latitude and Longitude.

You can use the Coordinate data type for storing coordinates. Coordinates can be defined using one of the following formats:

  1. Tuple: (Latitude, Longitude). For example: (41.40338, 2.17403).
  2. Coordinate instance: Coordinate(latitude=Latitude, longitude=Longitude).
from pydantic import BaseModel

from pydantic_extra_types.coordinate import Coordinate

class Location(BaseModel):
    coordinate: Coordinate

location = Location(coordinate=(41.40338, 2.17403))
#> coordinate=Coordinate(latitude=41.40338, longitude=2.17403)