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Resolving Annotations


This section is part of the internals documentation, and is partly targeted to contributors.

Pydantic heavily relies on type hints at runtime to build schemas for validation, serialization, etc.

While type hints were primarily introduced for static type checkers (such as Mypy or Pyright), they are accessible (and sometimes evaluated) at runtime. This means that the following would fail at runtime, because Node has yet to be defined in the current module:

class Node:
    """Binary tree node."""

    # NameError: name 'Node' is not defined:
    def __init__(self, l: Node, r: Node) -> None:
        self.left = l
        self.right = r

To circumvent this issue, forward references can be used (by wrapping the annotation in quotes).

In Python 3.7, PEP 563 introduced the concept of postponed evaluation of annotations, meaning with the from __future__ import annotations future statement, type hints are stringified by default:

from __future__ import annotations

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Foo(BaseModel):
    f: MyType
    # Given the future import above, this is equivalent to:
    # f: 'MyType'

type MyType = int

#> {'f': 'MyType'}

The challenges of runtime evaluation

Static type checkers make use of the AST to analyze the defined annotations. Regarding the previous example, this has the benefit of being able to understand what MyType refers to when analyzing the class definition of Foo, even if MyType isn't yet defined at runtime.

However, for runtime tools such as Pydantic, it is more challenging to correctly resolve these forward annotations. The Python standard library provides some tools to do so (typing.get_type_hints(), inspect.get_annotations()), but they come with some limitations. Thus, they are being re-implemented in Pydantic with improved support for edge cases.

As Pydantic as grown, it's adapted to support many edge cases requiring irregular patterns for annotation evaluation. Some of these use cases aren't necessarily sound from a static type checking perspective. In v2.10, the internal logic was refactored in an attempt to simplify and standardize annotation evaluation. Admittedly, backwards compatibility posed some challenges, and there is still some noticeable scar tissue in the codebase because of this.There's a hope that PEP 649 (introduced in Python 3.14) will greatly simplify the process, especially when it comes to dealing with locals of a function.

To evaluate forward references, Pydantic roughly follows the same logic as described in the documentation of the typing.get_type_hints() function. That is, the built-in eval() function is used by passing the forward reference, a global, and a local namespace. The namespace fetching logic is defined in the sections below.

Resolving annotations at class definition

The following example will be used as a reference throughout this section:

type MyType = int

class Base:
    f1: 'MyType'

from pydantic import BaseModel

from module1 import Base

type MyType = str

def inner() -> None:
    type InnerType = bool

    class Model(BaseModel, Base):
        type LocalType = bytes

        f2: 'MyType'
        f3: 'InnerType'
        f4: 'LocalType'
        f5: 'UnknownType'

    type InnerType2 = complex

When the Model class is being built, different namespaces are at play. For each base class of the Model's MRO (in reverse order — that is, starting with Base), the following logic is applied:

  1. Fetch the __annotations__ key from the current base class' __dict__, if present. For Base, this will be {'f1': 'MyType'}.
  2. Iterate over the __annotations__ items and try to evaluate the annotation 1 using a custom wrapper around the built-in eval() function. This function takes two globals and locals arguments:
    • The current module's __dict__ is naturally used as globals. For Base, this will be sys.modules['module1'].__dict__.
    • For the locals argument, Pydantic will try to resolve symbols in the following namespaces, sorted by highest priority:
      • A namespace created on the fly, containing the current class name ({cls.__name__: cls}). This is done in order to support recursive references.
      • The locals of the current class (i.e. cls.__dict__). For Model, this will include LocalType.
      • The parent namespace of the class, if different from the globals described above. This is the locals of the frame where the class is being defined. For Base, because the class is being defined in the module directly, this namespace won't be used as it will result in the globals being used again. For Model, the parent namespace is the locals of the frame of inner().
  3. If the annotation failed to evaluate, it is kept as is, so that the model can be rebuilt at a later stage. This will be the case for f5.

The following table lists the resolved type annotations for every field, once the Model class has been created:

Field name Resolved annotation
f1 int
f2 str
f3 bool
f4 bytes
f5 'UnkownType'

Limitations and backwards compatibility concerns

While the namespace fetching logic is trying to be as accurate as possible, we still face some limitations:

  • The locals of the current class (cls.__dict__) may include irrelevant entries, most of them being dunder attributes. This means that the following annotation: f: '__doc__' will successfully (and unexpectedly) be resolved.
  • When the Model class is being created inside a function, we keep a copy of the locals of the frame. This copy only includes the symbols defined in the locals when Model is being defined, meaning InnerType2 won't be included (and will not be if doing a model rebuild at a later point!).
    • To avoid memory leaks, we use weak references to the locals of the function, meaning some forward references might not resolve outside the function (1).
    • Locals of the function are only taken into account for Pydantic models, but this pattern does not apply to dataclasses, typed dictionaries or named tuples.
  1. Here is an example:

    def func():
        A = int
        class Model(BaseModel):
            f: 'A | Forward'
        return Model
    Model = func()
    Model.model_rebuild(_types_namespace={'Forward': str})
    # pydantic.errors.PydanticUndefinedAnnotation: name 'A' is not defined

For backwards compatibility reasons, and to be able to support valid use cases without having to rebuild models, the namespace logic described above is a bit different when it comes to core schema generation. Taking the following example:

from dataclasses import dataclass

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Foo:
    a: 'Bar | None' = None

class Bar(BaseModel):
    b: Foo

Once the fields for Bar have been collected (meaning annotations resolved), the GenerateSchema class converts every field into a core schema. When it encounters another class-like field type (such as a dataclass), it will try to evaluate annotations, following roughly the same logic as described above. However, to evaluate the 'Bar | None' annotation, Bar needs to be present in the globals or locals, which is normally not the case: Bar is being created, so it is not "assigned" to the current module's __dict__ at that point.

To avoid having to call model_rebuild() on Bar, both the parent namespace (if Bar was to be defined inside a function, and the namespace provided during a model rebuild) and the {Bar.__name__: Bar} namespace are included in the locals during annotations evaluation of Foo (with the lowest priority) (1).

  1. This backwards compatibility logic can introduce some inconsistencies, such as the following:

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from pydantic import BaseModel
    class Foo:
        # `a` and `b` shouldn't resolve:
        a: 'Model'
        b: 'Inner'
    def func():
        Inner = int
        class Model(BaseModel):
            foo: Foo
        #> True, should be False.

Resolving annotations when rebuilding a model

When a forward reference fails to evaluate, Pydantic will silently fail and stop the core schema generation process. This can be seen by inspecting the __pydantic_core_schema__ of a model class:

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Foo(BaseModel):
    f: 'MyType'

#> <pydantic._internal._mock_val_ser.MockCoreSchema object at 0x73cd0d9e6d00>

If you then properly define MyType, you can rebuild the model:

type MyType = int

#> {'type': 'model', 'schema': {...}, ...}

The model_rebuild() method uses a rebuild namespace, with the following semantics:

  • If an explicit _types_namespace argument is provided, it is used as the rebuild namespace.
  • If no namespace is provided, the namespace where the method is called will be used as the rebuild namespace.

This rebuild namespace will be merged with the model's parent namespace (if it was defined in a function) and used as is (see the backwards compatibility logic described above).

  1. This is done unconditionally, as forward annotations can be only present as part of a type hint (e.g. Optional['int']), as dictated by the typing specification