Experimental Features¶
In this section you will find documentation for new, experimental features in Pydantic. These features are subject to change or removal, and we are looking for feedback and suggestions before making them a permanent part of Pydantic.
See our Version Policy for more information on experimental features.
We welcome feedback on experimental features! Please open an issue on the Pydantic GitHub repository to share your thoughts, requests, or suggestions.
We also encourage you to read through existing feedback and add your thoughts to existing issues.
Warnings on Import¶
When you import an experimental feature from the experimental
module, you'll see a warning message that the feature is experimental. You can disable this warning with the following:
import warnings
from pydantic import PydanticExperimentalWarning
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=PydanticExperimentalWarning)
Pipeline API¶
Pydantic v2.8.0 introduced an experimental "pipeline" API that allows composing of parsing (validation), constraints and transformations in a more type-safe manner than existing APIs. This API is subject to change or removal, we are looking for feedback and suggestions before making it a permanent part of Pydantic.
API Documentation
Generally, the pipeline API is used to define a sequence of steps to apply to incoming data during validation. The pipeline API is designed to be more type-safe and composable than the existing Pydantic API.
Each step in the pipeline can be:
- A validation step that runs pydantic validation on the provided type
- A transformation step that modifies the data
- A constraint step that checks the data against a condition
- A predicate step that checks the data against a condition and raises an error if it returns
Note that the following example attempts to be exhaustive at the cost of complexity: if you find yourself writing this many transformations in type annotations you may want to consider having a UserIn
and UserOut
model (example below) or similar where you make the transformations via idomatic plain Python code.
These APIs are meant for situations where the code savings are significant and the added complexity is relatively small.
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Annotated
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic.experimental.pipeline import validate_as
class User(BaseModel):
name: Annotated[str, validate_as(str).str_lower()] # (1)!
age: Annotated[int, validate_as(int).gt(0)] # (2)!
username: Annotated[str, validate_as(str).str_pattern(r'[a-z]+')] # (3)!
password: Annotated[
.predicate(lambda x: x != 'password'), # (4)!
favorite_number: Annotated[ # (5)!
(validate_as(int) | validate_as(str).str_strip().validate_as(int)).gt(
friends: Annotated[list[User], validate_as(...).len(0, 100)] # (6)!
bio: Annotated[
.transform(lambda x: x / 1_000_000)
.validate_as(...), # (8)!
- Lowercase a string.
- Constrain an integer to be greater than zero.
- Constrain a string to match a regex pattern.
- You can also use the lower level transform, constrain and predicate methods.
- Use the
operators to combine steps (like a logical OR or AND). - Calling
as the first positional argument impliesvalidate_as(<field type>)
. Usevalidate_as(Any)
to accept any type. - You can call
before or after other steps to do pre or post processing.
Mapping from BeforeValidator
, AfterValidator
and WrapValidator
The validate_as
method is a more type-safe way to define BeforeValidator
, AfterValidator
and WrapValidator
from typing import Annotated
from pydantic.experimental.pipeline import transform, validate_as
# BeforeValidator
Annotated[int, validate_as(str).str_strip().validate_as(...)] # (1)!
# AfterValidator
Annotated[int, transform(lambda x: x * 2)] # (2)!
# WrapValidator
.transform(lambda x: x * 2), # (3)!
- Strip whitespace from a string before parsing it as an integer.
- Multiply an integer by 2 after parsing it.
- Strip whitespace from a string, validate it as an integer, then multiply it by 2.
Alternative patterns¶
There are many alternative patterns to use depending on the scenario.
Just as an example, consider the UserIn
and UserOut
pattern mentioned above:
from __future__ import annotations
from pydantic import BaseModel
class UserIn(BaseModel):
favorite_number: int | str
class UserOut(BaseModel):
favorite_number: int
def my_api(user: UserIn) -> UserOut:
favorite_number = user.favorite_number
if isinstance(favorite_number, str):
favorite_number = int(user.favorite_number.strip())
return UserOut(favorite_number=favorite_number)
assert my_api(UserIn(favorite_number=' 1 ')).favorite_number == 1
This example uses plain idiomatic Python code that may be easier to understand, type-check, etc. than the examples above. The approach you choose should really depend on your use case. You will have to compare verbosity, performance, ease of returning meaningful errors to your users, etc. to choose the right pattern. Just be mindful of abusing advanced patterns like the pipeline API just because you can.
Partial Validation¶
Pydantic v2.10.0 introduces experimental support for "partial validation".
This allows you to validate an incomplete JSON string, or a Python object representing incomplete input data.
Partial validation is particularly helpful when processing the output of an LLM, where the model streams structured responses, and you may wish to begin validating the stream while you're still receiving data (e.g. to show partial data to users).
Partial validation is an experimental feature and may change in future versions of Pydantic. The current implementation should be considered a proof of concept at this time and has a number of limitations.
Partial validation can be enabled when using the three validation methods on TypeAdapter
: TypeAdapter.validate_json()
, TypeAdapter.validate_python()
, and TypeAdapter.validate_strings()
. This allows you to parse and validation incomplete JSON, but also to validate Python objects created by parsing incomplete data of any format.
The experimental_allow_partial
flag can be passed to these methods to enable partial validation.
It can take the following values (and is False
, by default):
- disable partial validationTrue
- enable partial validation, but don't support trailing strings'trailing-strings'
- enable partial validation and support trailing strings
mode allows for trailing incomplete strings at the end of partial JSON to be included in the output.
For example, if you're validating against the following model:
from typing import TypedDict
class Model(TypedDict):
a: str
b: str
Then the following JSON input would be considered valid, despite the incomplete string at the end:
'{"a": "hello", "b": "wor'
And would be validated as:
{'a': 'hello', 'b': 'wor'}
in action:
from typing import Annotated
from annotated_types import MinLen
from typing_extensions import NotRequired, TypedDict
from pydantic import TypeAdapter
class Foobar(TypedDict): # (1)!
a: int
b: NotRequired[float]
c: NotRequired[Annotated[str, MinLen(5)]]
ta = TypeAdapter(list[Foobar])
v = ta.validate_json('[{"a": 1, "b"', experimental_allow_partial=True) # (2)!
#> [{'a': 1}]
v = ta.validate_json(
'[{"a": 1, "b": 1.0, "c": "abcd', experimental_allow_partial=True # (3)!
#> [{'a': 1, 'b': 1.0}]
v = ta.validate_json(
'[{"b": 1.0, "c": "abcde"', experimental_allow_partial=True # (4)!
#> []
v = ta.validate_json(
'[{"a": 1, "b": 1.0, "c": "abcde"},{"a": ', experimental_allow_partial=True
#> [{'a': 1, 'b': 1.0, 'c': 'abcde'}]
v = ta.validate_python([{'a': 1}], experimental_allow_partial=True) # (5)!
#> [{'a': 1}]
v = ta.validate_python(
[{'a': 1, 'b': 1.0, 'c': 'abcd'}], experimental_allow_partial=True # (6)!
#> [{'a': 1, 'b': 1.0}]
v = ta.validate_json(
'[{"a": 1, "b": 1.0, "c": "abcdefg',
experimental_allow_partial='trailing-strings', # (7)!
#> [{'a': 1, 'b': 1.0, 'c': 'abcdefg'}]
- The TypedDict
has three field, but onlya
is required, that means that a valid instance ofFoobar
can be created even if theb
fields are missing. - Parsing JSON, the input is valid JSON up to the point where the string is truncated.
- In this case truncation of the input means the value of
) is invalid as input toc
field, hence it's omitted. - The
field is required, so validation on the only item in the list fails and is dropped. - Partial validation also works with Python objects, it should have the same semantics as with JSON except of course you can't have a genuinely "incomplete" Python object.
- The same as above but with a Python object,
is dropped as it's not required and failed validation. - The
mode allows for incomplete strings at the end of partial JSON to be included in the output, in this case the input is valid JSON up to the point where the string is truncated, so the last string is included.
How Partial Validation Works¶
Partial validation follows the zen of Pydantic — it makes no guarantees about what the input data might have been, but it does guarantee to return a valid instance of the type you required, or raise a validation error.
To do this, the experimental_allow_partial
flag enables two pieces of behavior:
1. Partial JSON parsing¶
The jiter JSON parser used by Pydantic already supports parsing partial JSON,
is simply passed to jiter via the allow_partial
If you just want pure JSON parsing with support for partial JSON, you can use the jiter
Python library directly, or pass the allow_partial
argument when calling pydantic_core.from_json
2. Ignore errors in the last element of the input¶
Only having access to part of the input data means errors can commonly occur in the last element of the input data.
For example:
- if a string has a constraint
, when you only see part of the input, validation might fail because part of the string is missing (e.g.{"name": "Sam
instead of{"name": "Samuel"}
) - if an
field has a constraintGe(10)
, when you only see part of the input, validation might fail because the number is too small (e.g.1
instead of10
) - if a
field has 3 required fields, but the partial input only has two of the fields, validation would fail because some field are missing - etc. etc. — there are lost more cases like this
The point is that if you only see part of some valid input data, validation errors can often occur in the last element of a sequence or last value of mapping.
To avoid these errors breaking partial validation, Pydantic will ignore ALL errors in the last element of the input data.
from typing import Annotated
from annotated_types import MinLen
from pydantic import BaseModel, TypeAdapter
class MyModel(BaseModel):
a: int
b: Annotated[str, MinLen(5)]
ta = TypeAdapter(list[MyModel])
v = ta.validate_json(
'[{"a": 1, "b": "12345"}, {"a": 1,',
#> [MyModel(a=1, b='12345')]
Limitations of Partial Validation¶
TypeAdapter only¶
You can only pass experiment_allow_partial
to TypeAdapter
methods, it's not yet supported via other Pydantic entry points like BaseModel
Types supported¶
Right now only a subset of collection validators know how to handle partial validation:
(as indict[X, Y]
— only non-required fields may be missing, e.g. viaNotRequired
While you can use experimental_allow_partial
while validating against types that include other collection validators, those types will be validated "all or nothing", and partial validation will not work on more nested types.
E.g. in the above example partial validation works although the second item in the list is dropped completely since BaseModel
doesn't (yet) support partial validation.
But partial validation won't work at all in the follow example because BaseModel
doesn't support partial validation so it doesn't forward the allow_partial
instruction down to the list validator in b
from typing import Annotated
from annotated_types import MinLen
from pydantic import BaseModel, TypeAdapter, ValidationError
class MyModel(BaseModel):
a: int = 1
b: list[Annotated[str, MinLen(5)]] = [] # (1)!
ta = TypeAdapter(MyModel)
v = ta.validate_json(
'{"a": 1, "b": ["12345", "12', experimental_allow_partial=True
except ValidationError as e:
1 validation error for MyModel
String should have at least 5 characters [type=string_too_short, input_value='12', input_type=str]
- The list validator for
doesn't get theallow_partial
instruction passed down to it by the model validator so it doesn't know to ignore errors in the last element of the input.
Some invalid but complete JSON will be accepted¶
The way jiter (the JSON parser used by Pydantic) works means it's currently not possible to differentiate between complete JSON like {"a": 1, "b": "12"}
and incomplete JSON like {"a": 1, "b": "12
This means that some invalid JSON will be accepted by Pydantic when using experimental_allow_partial
, e.g.:
from typing import Annotated
from annotated_types import MinLen
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from pydantic import TypeAdapter
class Foobar(TypedDict, total=False):
a: int
b: Annotated[str, MinLen(5)]
ta = TypeAdapter(Foobar)
v = ta.validate_json(
'{"a": 1, "b": "12', experimental_allow_partial=True # (1)!
#> {'a': 1}
v = ta.validate_json(
'{"a": 1, "b": "12"}', experimental_allow_partial=True # (2)!
#> {'a': 1}
- This will pass validation as expected although the last field will be omitted as it failed validation.
- This will also pass validation since the binary representation of the JSON data passed to pydantic-core is indistinguishable from the previous case.
from typing import Annotated
from annotated_types import MinLen
from typing import TypedDict
from pydantic import TypeAdapter
class Foobar(TypedDict, total=False):
a: int
b: Annotated[str, MinLen(5)]
ta = TypeAdapter(Foobar)
v = ta.validate_json(
'{"a": 1, "b": "12', experimental_allow_partial=True # (1)!
#> {'a': 1}
v = ta.validate_json(
'{"a": 1, "b": "12"}', experimental_allow_partial=True # (2)!
#> {'a': 1}
- This will pass validation as expected although the last field will be omitted as it failed validation.
- This will also pass validation since the binary representation of the JSON data passed to pydantic-core is indistinguishable from the previous case.
Any error in the last field of the input will be ignored¶
As described above, many errors can result from truncating the input. Rather than trying to specifically ignore errors that could result from truncation, Pydantic ignores all errors in the last element of the input in partial validation mode.
This means clearly invalid data will pass validation if the error is in the last field of the input:
from typing import Annotated
from annotated_types import Ge
from pydantic import TypeAdapter
ta = TypeAdapter(list[Annotated[int, Ge(10)]])
v = ta.validate_python([20, 30, 4], experimental_allow_partial=True) # (1)!
#> [20, 30]
ta = TypeAdapter(list[int])
v = ta.validate_python([1, 2, 'wrong'], experimental_allow_partial=True) # (2)!
#> [1, 2]
- As you would expect, this will pass validation since Pydantic correctly ignores the error in the (truncated) last item.
- This will also pass validation since the error in the last item is ignored.