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Pydantic People

Pydantic has an amazing community of contributors, reviewers, and experts that help propel the project forward. Here, we celebrate those people and their contributions.


These are the current maintainers of the Pydantic repository. Feel free to tag us if you have questions, review requests, or feature requests for which you'd like feedback!


These are the users that have helped others the most with questions in GitHub through all time.

Questions replied: 143
Questions replied: 93
Questions replied: 87
Questions replied: 21
Questions replied: 17
Questions replied: 13
Questions replied: None

Most active users last month

These are the users that have helped others the most with questions in GitHub during the last month.

Questions replied: 15

Top contributors

These are the users that have created the most pull requests that have been merged.

Contributions: 122
Contributions: 77
Contributions: 75
Contributions: 71
Contributions: 49
Contributions: 46
Contributions: 22
Contributions: 19
Contributions: 17
Contributions: 15
Contributions: 12
Contributions: 12
Contributions: 11
Contributions: 10
Contributions: 9
Contributions: 9
Contributions: 8
Contributions: 8
Contributions: 7
Contributions: 7
Contributions: 6
Contributions: 6
Contributions: 6
Contributions: 5
Contributions: 5
Contributions: 5
Contributions: 4
Contributions: 4
Contributions: 4
Contributions: 4
Contributions: 4
Contributions: 4
Contributions: 4
Contributions: 4
Contributions: 4
Contributions: 4

Top Reviewers

These are the users that have reviewed the most Pull Requests from others, assisting with code quality, documentation, bug fixes, feature requests, etc.

Reviews: 211
Reviews: 103
Reviews: 77
Reviews: 77
Reviews: 44
Reviews: 27
Reviews: 17
Reviews: 17
Reviews: 15
Reviews: 11
Reviews: 10
Reviews: 10
Reviews: 10
Reviews: 8
Reviews: 7
Reviews: 6
Reviews: 6
Reviews: 6
Reviews: 5
Reviews: 5
Reviews: 4
Reviews: 4
Reviews: 4
Reviews: 4
Reviews: 4
Reviews: 4
Reviews: 4
Reviews: 4

About the data

The data displayed above is calculated monthly via the Github GraphQL API.

The source code for this script is located here. Many thanks to Sebastián Ramírez for the script from which we based this logic.

Depending on changing conditions, the thresholds for the different categories of contributors may change in the future.